I authorize the Vulnerable Persons Registry (VPR) program of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) to provide the information included in my application to local emergency responders, for use during an emergency. It is my responsibility to ensure that the Vulnerable Persons Registry has accurate and up to date contact information, to enable assistance during an emergency. I understand that I still need to call 9-1-1 if I am experiencing a personal emergency.
The VPR does not guarantee my safety but provides an added safety measure to assist emergency responders in enhancing my safety during an evacuation or emergency. I agree to release the RMWB and its elected officials, employees, and agents from and against all claims, demands, actions, suits, loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses (collectively “Claims”) which I may incur, suffer or be put to because VPR is unable to guarantee my safety or otherwise during an emergency.
If my application is approved, my information will be available to emergency responders within 30 days. Triennial updates will be completed with the VPR Team during the months of April, August and December, each year. If I am unreachable at this time, the VPR Team will attempt contact with my Emergency Contact, and if they cannot be contacted, I may be removed from the VPR.
Only an applicant or a legal guardian of an applicant may register an individual for the Vulnerable Persons Registry. I can request to be removed from the VPR program at any time.
By clicking 'I Accept' below, you are authorizing that you agree to the above information and would like to submit your application. *